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Gregoire Boonzaier was a prolific South African artist, renowned for his distinctive style that captured the essence of life in his native country. Born in Cape Town in 1909, Boonzaier began his career as a painter, printmaker, and illustrator in the 1930s and continued to create art until his passing in 2005. His impact on the art world in South Africa and beyond is undeniable, as his work continues to inspire artists and art lovers today.

Gregoire Boonzaier’s early years were spent in District Six, a vibrant and multicultural neighbourhood that would later serve as the inspiration for many of his paintings. His father recognized his son’s talent for art and encouraged him to pursue it as a career. Boonzaier studied at the South African School of Art and the Heatherley School of Fine Art in London, where he was exposed to the works of the Impressionists and Post-Impressionists.